Version 1.2 Just uploaded!

I have just uploaded version 1.2 of TBD Islands with a handful of QOL improvements and updates

Change Log:

  • Music Transition issues - Added the background music to "don't destroy on load" so that the music doesn't restart if it's the same background music between scenes.
  • Added water sounds to the water puzzle
  • Fixed door animation issue
  • Added continue option at the end of levels so that it is no longer necessary to go back to the main menu every time.
  • Change main menu to show all the levels at once.
  • Adjusted the size and location of the dialogue box.
  • Puzzle piece is no longer floating on level 2

With these improvements I am hoping to inch closer to having a solid base for the level mechanics. Once I have what I feel is complete in that regard I can then use that base to create more levels. 
I am hoping that I can partner with someone who has an art background to make the UI and levels more pleasing as well. 

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy the game so far :)

Files Play in browser
52 days ago


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Looks really nice! I'll try it out once I'm back from vacation.